About Us

The Workshop for Independent Publishing (WIP) is an artist-run print shop with photocopiers and risographs.

We’re open to the public once a week and provide additional shop hours to WIP members. Our facilities enable an entire publication to be produced in house, from concept to print production and binding. 

WIP is a project of Late Night Copies Press, a micro press publishing about regional queer history and other topics.

Through experimenting with shared equipment in our Minneapolis apartment, we realized that local makers of zines, chapbooks, comics, and artist publications need a hub for teaching, learning, and printing.

WIP print bug stating "own the means of production and share it" with a booklet stapler and the name of the shop in the center


WIP promotes independent publishing as an artistic process and information practice, by –

  • Providing affordable copies and printing

  • Maintaining tools, print equipment, and space to learn and teach DIY publishing skills

  • Serving as venue for artists to host publishing events, like readings and workshops

  • Offering a zine library for teaching and research